Search for Truth
- Questions of Christians
- Is Christianity based on blind faith?
- Is there rational evidence for the existence of God?
- Are Christians "Anti-Science?"
- How do you know that the Bible is true? Isn't it just a bunch of fables?
- But is the Bible really "God's Word?"
- How do you square Jesus' miracles with reality?
- How can you say that Jesus is God?
- Aren't all religions the same? Is Christ the only way to God?
- Isn't religion merely cultural?
- What about people who have never heard of Christ?
- How can a good God allow evil and suffering?
- How can a loving God order people killed?
- Why do you believe in objective moral values?
- If it feels good for me isn't it right?
- Why can't I live my life as an agnostic?
- Isn't religion an invention of people just to meet their psychological needs?
- I've lived a pretty good life. I'll go to heaven, if there is one, won't I?
- Why are there hypocrites in the church?
- Why are Christians so judgmental?
- If I become a Christian, won't I lose my freedom?
- I'm not into organized religion. Can't I be a Christian without going to church regularly?
- How do I discover the TRUTH?
- Testimonies and Links
- Why Question?
- The Resurrection: Historical Evidence
- Why Christianity is Objectively True
- Misconceptions about Christianity
- Check the Evidence