In 1993 Hank Hanegraaff ("The Bible Answer Man") wrote a book entitled Christianity in Crisis. In the book he exposed problems within evangelicalism. Many think that in actuality Hanegraaff understated the problems of both doctrine and practice within Christianity, and time has made the issues even more acute.
Forgive us for saying so, but perhaps it is time to be honest with ourselves. American Christianity, at least much of it, is a mess. It is separated into divisive sects, giving the world the impression that we don't know what we are doing. Or even more alarming, that the true God is somehow irrelevant and confused. This is not to say that individual American churches are not proclaiming the Gospel in its truth and purity. But some serious introspection is in order. How to Interpret the Bible is a Faith Facts article which tackles this issue. Click HERE to read the entire article.
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