Faith Consists of Three Parts

  1. Knowledge, then
  2. Agreement, then
  3. Trust

It is important that someone at least have a basic knowledge of something in order to believe in it. While this certainly does not mean that one has to be a theologian in order to become a Christian, it does mean that your faith would be misplaced if it were not grounded in the essentials. If you become a Christian, you will spend the rest of your life growing in your faith—learning more and more over time. (Really fun!) But to start with, God will accept you just as you are.

It is enough to understand that the Bible teaches that:

And as the most famous passage of Scripture says:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
-- John 3:16

Choose One

  • OK, I understand. And I am willing to agree that what the Bible says is true about Jesus Christ. He must really, really be Lord and Savior. What's next?
    Continue: The Answer
  • I'm not there yet. But I am willing to do more research.
    Detour: Historical Evidence For the Resurrection
  • I'm getting closer. I think I'd like to do some primary research. This could be the most important decision of my life, so I'll do more. (We recommend reading at least the 2 gospel biographies of Jesus Christ—the books of Matthew and John found in the Bible.) I'll never have a better time to work through this. Let's go.
    Detour: the biblical book of Matthew
    Detour: the biblical book of John
  • No thanks, I've got to think about this some more.
    Exit: Home